Thursday, September 19, 2024

A Celebration of 1600 Reviews

If it weren't for a miscalculation, this header
image would be Resident Evil 4 (2005).

Below is a list of links to every review from 1201-1300, broken up every 25 links for easy navigation. Each review will also be color-coded as such: MovieVideo Game.


1568. Speedway
1570. Pushover
1574. Blondie!

1576. X-Men
1577. X2
1596. Chaplin

Movies: 73 (1,025 Total)
Video Games: 27 (519 Total)
Comic Books: 0 (28 Total)
DLC: 0 (26 Total)
Book: 0 (1 Total)
Stage: 0 (1 Total)

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