As a fan of both Doom (2016) and Doom VFR, Doom
Eternal was an easy buy for me, as I immensely enjoyed the fast-paced FPS
action of those games and wanted more like it. I also ended up going in partially
blind, as I hadn’t seen anything after the initial E3 trailer, so this was a very
fresh experience with no unrealistically high expectations. After a delay in
receiving my copy, due to a miscalculation related to COVID-19, I sat through and
proceeded to rip and tear through the forces of hell. While I had an absolute blast
most of the time, I found myself more frustrated during the final stretch, as
the minor flaws in this installment’s approach to game design magnified greatly
by that point.
Two years after the events of Doom (2016), Earth has been
overrun by demonic forces that have wiped out 60% of the population. The Doom
Slayer goes down to Earth from his Fortress of Doom to kill the Hell Priests
responsible, but before he can kill the remaining two, Khan Maykr, ruler of the
angelic Maykrs, teleports them away to parts unknown. Undeterred, the Doom
Slayer is hellbent on using any means necessary to finish the job and save
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Rip and Tear |
Much like Doom (2016), Doom Eternal employs a
minimalist narrative style where the story isn’t served through lengthy
cutscenes, but rather quick exchanges between characters. Whatever cutscenes are
there are just long enough to keep the player invested and get right back into
the action. These cutscenes also feature some well-timed humor from the Doom
Slayer’s silent reactions to the events around him, such as pulling a man by
the neck with no hesitation just to swipe his keycard and open a door. Towards
the middle of the game, however, we also get a flashback scene, also done in this
quick style, that adds more depth to the Doom Slayer by giving an idea of who he
is and how he came to be so powerful. I appreciated this, as it helped flesh
him out without significantly changing the spirit of the game.
Doom Eternal also
continues in the “modernized old-school FPS” gameplay style established by its
predecessor, but naturally features new twists to keep things interesting. The
most immediately noticeable change, and one that colored my entire playthrough,
was that Eternal ramps up the difficulty. Enemies are faster and
stronger and can tank more damage, meaning that mobility is even more important
now. I’ll admit here that this was to the point where I eventually dropped down
from “Hurt Me Plenty” (Normal) to “I’m Too Young to Die” (Easy). This was mainly
for the sake of completing the game in a timely fashion, but I don’t really
regret it, as the game makes no effort to shame you, instead encouraging you to
play the way that makes you feel comfortable. Every once in a while, I also
actually missed how comparatively simple the previous game was, but I’ll get to
that later.
A good amount of this increased difficulty comes not just from the
addition of new demons and the shifting of how damage works, but also the
increased complexity of the combat. The arena style of the previous game is
back, but now with much more of an emphasis on mobility. The Doom Slayer can
now dash twice in a row to control distance and there are now monkey bars and
more boost pads within the environment to control elevation. Enemies now also
have specific weak points to keep track of, which really stretches your ability
to divide your attention within the heat of battle when surrounded by an army
of demons. There are also new obstacles to track, including the Buff Totem,
which appears in certain areas and infinitely spawns buffed demons with
increased power and speed until you destroy it. Adding to the complexity is the
ability to find and upgrade weapon mods, as well as upgrade the Praetor suit,
increase capacities with Sentinel Crystals and gain new abilities with Runes.
One change made to help mitigate the difficulty is the introduction of Extra
Lives, which are located throughout different levels, though they’re not always
easy to obtain.
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Doom Eternal has a variety of interesting locations. |
The Doom Slayer’s arsenal has undergone some changes, which
includes the addition of some new tools. Gone is the Pistol, as players now
start with the more powerful Shotgun right out the gate, a change that reflects
how players approached the previous game. Apart from this, the most notable
additions are the Flame Belcher, which sets enemies on fire and causes them to
drop armor; Ice Bomb, a Frag Grenade variation that freezes enemies; the Meat Hook
attachment for the Super Shotgun, which pulls the Doom Slayer toward enemies
and ties into the game’s heavy mobility focus; and the Chainsaw, which consumes
fuel and causes enemies killed by it to drop ammo. There’s also the Crucible, a
special sword that can kill any demon in one swing, but consumes charges to
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The Flame Belcher is a small, but significant addition to combat. |
By far the most powerful new weapon, actually a returning legacy
weapon, is the Unmaykr, which consumes the same ammo as the BFG 3000 but rapidly
fires in a spread pattern. To balance its power, the player is required to
obtain six Empyrean Keys by finding and completing six Slayer Gates, which teleport
the player to a special arena filled with powerful enemies. The player can also
find Cheat Codes that alter how the game is played, usually in beneficial ways.
There’s no penalty for using them, but they can only be used through the
Mission Select screen and their use cuts off access to Slayer Gates, so you’ll
have to get the Empyrean Keys the hard way no matter what.
Between most levels, the player can explore the Fortress of Doom, where
they can view toys and albums they’ve found throughout the campaign, as well as
use Sentinel Batteries to unlock different upgrades or alternate suits for the
Doom Slayer. Additionally, there’s a room where players can play the complete
original Doom (1993) and Doom II (1994), though the former is
locked behind finding every single Cheat Code in Doom Eternal and the
latter behind a cheat code of its own (entered into a computer). The best thing
about the Fortress of Doom, however, is that is serves as a good breather, allowing
players to complete the game at their own pace instead of going directly
between missions like in Doom (2016).
If there’s one real complaint I have with the experience, however,
it’s that upping the difficulty from Doom (2016) feels like a
double-edged sword. For clarification, I don’t have a problem with the level of
difficulty, as it keeps the player on their toes and victories feel earned, but
rather the execution as the end of the campaign draws closer. One of the
smaller complaints in this department is the increased reliance on killing demons
with a chainsaw to refill ammo, as your ammo capacities and ability to refill
them are more restricted than in Doom (2016).
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You're gonna use the Chainsaw a lot. |
Compared to Doom (2016), there are a number of new demons, including
returning ones with an art direction that more closely reflects the designs from
the classic Doom titles. Among these, a handful feel cheap for the wrong
reasons, aside from enemies being able to tank more damage in general. The new
Whiplash demon, for instance, is more difficult to hit than other demons due to
the quick, frequent snaking in its movement pattern and its propensity to hug
the ground before getting up to attack, which considerably varies its hitbox.
Archviles return from the classic games, though now they act as mobile Buff
Totems that appear without warning, plus they now have a flame shield that
allows them to tank hits from weapons like the BFG 3000, making them harder to
kill to stop the infinite swarm of buffed demons.
Speaking of cheap shots, in spite of the increased emphasis on
mobility, some stages have sections with purple goo all over the floor,
preventing the player from jumping or dashing. To make matters worse, the goo
is also effective at hiding the new Tentacle enemies, which can pop out of the
ground and take a pot shot at you if you’re not prepared for them. While
normally you’d have a sense of where they are with clearly marked spawn points,
the purple goo obscures them, so you have to keep your finger on the trigger during
these sections.
By far the most frustrating demon, however, is the new Marauder.
Its abilities are very similar to the Doom Slayer, which is a neat concept, but
it’s not so great when they’re a regular enemy type. The Marauder’s power set
is very defense-oriented, with faster movement speed than the Doom Slayer and a
shield that blocks everything, including the Crucible, BFG 3000 and Unmaykr. Distance
is also a factor, as it swings energy blades with its Ardent Axe if you’re too
far away and fires its own Super Shotgun at you if you’re too close. If that wasn’t
enough, it can also spawn a flaming wolf with a small hitbox that also moves quickly
and has a bite attack that obscures the screen and slows the player’s movement.
And if that still sounds too easy, Marauders are also often accompanied by
other demons, including Whiplashes, yet still demands your complete and
undivided attention.
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Get ready for the fight of your life. |
Of course, the Marauder isn’t invincible. It’s vulnerable when its
eyes glow green and it’s not immune to splash damage, so rockets and grenades
aimed at the ground nearby do decent chip damage. Plus, you can cheese a win by
staggering it with Super Shotgun and Ballista shots during and outside of its
intended vulnerability window. However, its sheer speed can make it hard to hit
even when you do have the chance and every encounter slows the pace of combat
down to a crawl, turning the fight into a test of patience more than skill.
I also felt weary as I went through the final stretch of the game,
since it seemed to slowly give up on the “tough but fair” philosophy in favor
of the “kitchen sink” approach, filling increasingly small arenas with increasingly
large groups of demons. This didn’t truly come to a head until the final level
of the game, where one particular building perfectly encapsulated this feeling.
In this section, you have to fight every enemy type all at once, then do it
again but with multiple copies of every heavy and superheavy demon thrown into
the mix, then fend off a Marauder that’s joined by Imps, Gargoyles and Revenants,
then one last round where you fight an Archvile and all of the buffed enemies
he summons. I realize that this section was meant to test every skill you’ve
learned and your knowledge of every enemy weak point, sort of like a final
exam, but this went on for so long that I stopped having fun, since I had no
idea what I needed to prove anymore.
There are also the last two bosses, which felt like a letdown
compared to their predecessors. For the penultimate boss, it had a very limited
power set and a regenerating shield that you have to break six times before it
finally goes down, which dragged things on just a little too long. The limited
power set also gives way to a reliance on stage hazards, so you have to play “the
floor is lava” about halfway through the fight while dodging Hammer of Dawn-style
beams. Health and ammo are also scarce in the small arena in which you fight,
so you also have to rely almost exclusively on scoring headshots on the enemies
that accompany the boss. Following this boss is also the final boss, which felt
a bit too easy, especially by comparison, with very little in the way of real
strategy through another dragged out fight.
I know that I just spent seven paragraphs complaining about the
execution of the difficulty, but that doesn’t mean I didn’t like the game. In
fact, I really enjoyed the game and found the skill required to complete it
thrilling, it’s just that these blemishes left a bad taste in my mouth.
As far as any glitches, I did come across just one where I somehow
fell through the map and into an infinite void while trying to get back onto a
boost pad and could see the entire level geometry. I wasn’t able to reproduce
this, but it’s something to keep in mind.
Since you’ve gotten this far in the review, you may be wondering
what the Battlemode multiplayer is like. However, I won’t be talking about this
mode because I didn’t want to make the Bethesda account the game tries to force
you to have on startup (because enough game companies have my data already and
Bethesda isn’t exactly known for their lack of data breaches). Without this
account, it’s very likely I won’t be able to take advantage of the asynchronous
Invasion feature that will come later down the line, not that I’ll really lose
If you’re like me and want to play Doom Eternal without having
a Bethesda account, all you have to do is disconnect from the internet before
you launch the game. I’ve had success with disconnecting after launching the
game, but your mileage may vary there. Also know that once you get to the main
menu, you can reconnect to the internet without risking another screen asking
you to make/have an account.
The voice acting was pretty good for what was in the game. Returning
voice actor Darin De Paul puts on a good performance as Samuel Hayden,
delivering some pretty funny lines with a straight deadpan that elevates the
humor. Kevin Schon’s Vega filled in a similar role as the Doom Slayer’s computer
while Edward Bosco plays double duty for both the Marauder and the final boss
with threatening vocalizations. Out of all the voice actors, however, the most surprising
was Nika Futterman as Khan Maykr. I know her best for some more comedic character
roles, so Khan Maykr showed me that she has range and can play a threatening villain
pretty well.
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Nika Futterman shows range as Khan Maykr. |
By far one of the best things about Doom Eternal, however,
is the killer score by Mick Gordon, who also scored Doom (2016). All of
the songs are pure fire, as the heavy metal approach provides the perfect background
music while the player rips and tears through what is arguably already a very
metal game. It’s so good, in fact, that as soon as they announce a physical CD
of the soundtrack, I’ll want to own it alongside my physical CD copy of the Doom
(2016) soundtrack.
If you’re looking for a fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled FPS that challenges
the upper limits of your skill while still remaining (mostly) balanced and backed
by one of the best soundtracks of its kind, then Doom Eternal is the
game for you. In spite of my personal issues with the difficulty, especially towards
the end, it’s easy to recommend this to any fans of Doom or FPSs in general
and I’m looking forward to the next game. Just keep in mind that even though it
doesn’t get in the way of the action, there is more story and lore this time
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